This is mainly a Vrat (Fasting) food, and if it is made on other days, onions can be added. Looks very simple, but a very tricky one, indeed. Earlier, when I started making this, it ended up as quite a gooey one. Have had this many a times on our way to Shirdi, this being an absolute Maharashtrian dish. I rattled my brain as to what to do....did some tricks, and here I am, to share them with you all.
Sabudhana / Sago/ Tapioca pearls - 1 cup
Roasted peanuts - 1/4 cup, coarsely powdered
Potato -1, cooked, and cubed
Pearl onions - 8, chopped fine
Green chillies - 4, chopped fine
Cooking oil - 2 tsps
Chopped coriander leaves for garnishing
Salt to taste
Lemon juice - 2 tbsps
Recipe Cuisine: North Indian; Category: Breakfast
Prep time: 10mts; Cooking time: 10mts;
Serves 2
First wash Sabudhana 6 to 7 times till water run clearly, and all the starch is gone. Then, soak it for 2 hours, then drain completely, and refirgerate overnight, if you are preparing for breakfast. Or, if it is for dinner, then soak, drain and refrigerate for 6-7 hours, minimum. This gives fantastic results. I thought, even the stickiest Colocasia, when refrigerated, becomes firm and non sticky, why not try Sabudhana too??? I am happy to say, this worked!!!
Fluff it up nicely with a fork, after refrigeration.
Add cooking oil, season hing powder, turmeric and mustard seeds along with jeera
Then add the finely chopped onions with green chillies
and then the cooked & cubed potatoes
And now, add the refrigerated Sabudhana, salt to taste,
Chopped coriander leaves,
and the coarsely powdered roasted peanut powder and keeping the flames on low, give it a gentle stir, not mashing up the sabudhana. Very quickly, say within 3-4 minutes, it will change colour, become transparent, and switch off at this time. Then add the lemon juice.
The hot sabudhana kichdi, served! It tastes very good as it is, if you want, you can have a bowl of curds along. Serve it with coconut-coriander chutney (to follow)
*Onions can be omitted on the Vrat days.
*Adding potatoes , carrots and peas is also good.
*Do not add lemon juice while the stove is on, it may turn bitter.
* Seasoning ginger too adds to flavor.
Tricky indeed! So far I was scared to make this kichadi as it would turn into a porridge. But your recipe looks well made and grainy too!! I will try this definitely. The tips given for a well turned out dish is given so nicely thanks for posting .(v)