Lassis are best for summer...that too, when it is combined with a becomes so healthy. Please check my Mango Lassi.
Strawberries help burn accumulated fat, boost short term memory, low in calories, high in fiber, promote bone health, prevent oesophageal cancer, lower cardiovascular disease, promote eye health and full of anti aging properties.
So, what are you waiting for??? Combine this with the probiotic yogurt, and enjoy this Lassi!!!
Fresh curds / yogurt - 2 cups
Strawberries - 12-14
Organic cane sugar - 4 tsps
Salt - a pinch
Rose essence - 1/4 tsp
Recipe Cuisine: Indian; Category: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
Prep time: 5 mts; Cooking time: Nil
Yields 2 glasses
Slice the strawberries, after removing their stems, load them in the blender jar with sugar and a pinch of salt.
Blend them into a puree. Even if there are one or two small bits, that does not matter.
Beat the curds well in another jar.
Add the strawberry puree, and blend well.
Then add the rose essence. Blend again. Refrigerate and serve this wonderful lassi, well chilled.
Look the beautiful colored, frothy Strawberry Lassi!!!
This post first appeared in
* Ice cubes are optional.
Categories: Cold beverages, Healthy Cooking
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