Friday, April 10, 2020

Posted by Mala at 12:00:00 AM No comments
Drumstick leaves..................
Tiny leaves packed with nutrition!!!
* Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
*Rich in Amino acids
*Anti inflammatory
*Rich in anti-oxidants
*Lower blood sugar levels
*A very dependable source to fight against cholesterol
*Moringa leaves accelerate the repair of the liver cells
*Protects against arsenic toxity
*Prevents constipation, bloated tummy, gas problems, gastritis and ulcerative colitis
*Rich sources of Calcium and Phosphorous and improves bone health
*Improves and increases lactation
*Increases fat burning in the body and thus controls obesity
*Improves the health and look of skin and hair
*Support brain health and work as neuro-enhancers
*They are natural cleansers and help us to detoxify the system
*Also increase energy levels in the body

Please check my following recipes :

Drumstick leaves - 2 cups, washed, cleaned and tightly packed
Raw rice - 1/2 cup
Boiled or idli rice - 1/2 cup
Tur dhal - 1/2 cup
Channa dhal - 1/4cup
Moong dhal - 1/8 cup
Urad dhal - 1/8 cup
Ginger - a small piece
Green chillies - 2
Red chillies - 2
Hing powder - 1/4 tsp
Salt to taste
Enough oil to make the adais

Recipe Cuisine: South Indian; Category: Breakfast/dinner/tiffin
Soaking time: 2 hrs; Prep time: 10 mts; Cooking time: Roughly 4-5 mts for each adai

Yields roughly 6-8 adais

All the ingredients above mentioned, the rice and the dhals soaked in water for a couple of hours

Drained well, and loaded in the blender jar along with green and red chillies, hing powder, ginger and salt to taste

and ground to a coarse batter

Drumstick leaves, cleaned, washed and drained

added to the batter

A ladle of batter poured on a hot tava, spread like dosa, oil drizzled around and cooked on medium flames. Because it takes quite some time to cook these lentil crepes, and once again I insist on Shraddha and Saburi (Perseverance and patience)

Flipped over, drizzle 1/4 tsp oil again, flames on the lowest now

Mini moringa adais , very tasty, crisp outside, soft inside, can be made too!!

Serve with jaggery and ghee and molagappodi

* 1/8 cup Moong dhal can also be added
*Regular ada without moringa leaves can also be made
*2 tbsps of fresh grated coconut can be added to the batter.

This post first appeared in


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