Friday, May 21, 2021

Posted by Mala at 10:00:00 PM No comments

 At the very outset, let me tell....this is my daughter's recipe, which she makes very often. The reasons being 1. its healthy beyond words 2. there is very less work involved


Like many people who look very cold and firm from outside but are actually very soft inside....Avocados has a stony texture outside and a soft creamy texture inside!!!

And its health benefits are countless!!!

*Has more potassium than a Banana

*Protects eyes and heart health

*Full of fiber, so helps you lose unwanted flesh

*Rich in Folate, which is great preventer of depression and also prevents birth defects

*Improves good cholesterol

*Rich in Vitamin E, which protects the brain  from Alzheimer's disease

*Fights Cancer, lowers diabetes and protects skin 

Ripe avocado - 1
Onion - 1, small, chopped very fine
Tomato -1, small, chopped fine
Green chillies - 2, chopped fine
Cilantro/coriander leaves - a small cup, chopped
Lemon juice - 3/4 tbsp
Salt to taste
Whole wheat bread slices - 4

Recipe cuisine: International; Category: Lunch/dinner
Prep time: 10 mts; Cooking time: Nil

Yields 4 toasts

These are the unripe make them ripen fast, keep them wrapped with couple of ripe bananas inside a brown paper bag 

When it gets this color, and is soft to touch, it is fully ripe

Cut in the center, open the fruit, then remove the skin and the big seed

Scoop out the soft and creamy flesh and mash

Add finely chopped green chillies, onions and tomatoes, and salt to taste

add cilantro and mix well

add lemon juice too. A word of caution: this mixture should be used immediately , otherwise, it will discolor. So, it's better to make it just half an hour before lunch or dinner time, quickly toast the bread and use.

4 dry toasts; they can be toasted in an electric toaster or a non stick tava.

Apply liberally the avocado mixture (also called guacamole) and enjoy!! with any soup! I served it with tomato soup. Please check my Soup varieties 

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